

The system-wide sh-class shell initialization file can be very useful, but there are some potentially confusing aspects of how it is used in different shells. The goal is to have a reasonable version of /etc/profile that can be used for all users.

Classic sh shell.

The Bourne shell as described in the BSD 4.4 User's Reference Manual distinguishes between "interactive shells" (stdin is a terminal or -i flag was used); "login shells" (0th argument begins with '-' (e.g., "-sh"); and other invocations. Login shells evaluate /etc/profile and .profile if they exist, non-login shells skip this step. Then for every shell invocation, if the environment ENV is set, its contents are interpreted as a path that is then evaluated. Note that for non-login shells, ENV must already be in the environment; for login shells, it may be set in one of the profiles. Interactive shells can be identified by using case $- in *i* ) ... ;; ... esac.

Bash shell.

This is the default OS/X shell and is the most widely used descendant of the Bourne shell. It behaves differently when it is invoked as "sh" or "bash". In the former case, its startup is intended to emulate that of the classic sh (note that this mode is used in single-user mode and in many shell scripts intended to be widely compatible). For bash, an interactive shell is one whose stdin and stdout are connected to terminal, or if the -i flag was used. A login shell is one whose arg0 starts with - ("-bash", "-sh"), or where the --login (or -l) flag was used. When bash is invoked as "sh", it first evaluates /etc/profile and then ~/.profile unless --noprofile is given. Note that the --login can be used even with "sh" invocation. At this point, "sh"-invoked bash enters "posix mode" (the --posix flag can also be used for this purpose). In posix mode, ENV is handled as with classic sh. When bash is invoked as "bash", it also evaluates /etc/profile, then the first existing file in the set ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile (unless --noprofile was given). Interactive, non-login bash evaluates ~/.bashrc, unless --norc is given. Non-interactive bash evaluates $BASH_ENV if defined. Note that for interactive bash shells, $- will include i and PS1 will be set. In bash, the following variables will be set by the shell: BASH, BASH_VERSINFO (array), BASH_VERSION.

Korn shell.

This is an excellent extended version of sh which differs from bash in various ways. Ksh defines interactive the same as bash, but it has no effect on the startup files used. Login shells are defined as for sh: arg0 must begin with '-' (e.g., "-ksh"). Login shells evaluates /etc/profile if it exists, and then .profile or $HOME/.profile, if either exists. As for ENV, it is handled the same as classic sh, except if it is not set, $HOME/..kshrc will be evaluated if it exists. If the real and effective uid or gid do not match, /etc/suid_profile will be used instead of ENV or HOME/.profile (interactive shells). Also, in ksh $- contains i. In ksh, the variable KSH_VERSION will be set by the shell.

Single user mode

On standard UNIX-style systems, either /bin/csh or /bin/sh are used in single-user mode. If /bin/csh, we are already forked, but if /bin/sh, then there are consequences for /etc/profile, because it will generally by evaluated in single-user mode (in the current launchd under OS/X, it is invoked as /bin/bash, with arg0 set to "-sh"). Functionally similar invocations are probably the norm.

Some conclusions

Basically, /etc/profile will be evaluated for all logins. If ENV is set, then in some cases but not all, it will be evaluated, and of course there are some other shell-specific files that also will be evaluated in some cases, that we aren't concerned with here. There is no simple test to detect the currently running shell. One can use $0, but that doesn't distinguish true sh from one of the others masquerading as sh. However, that may not matter in many cases. Therefore, a simple case statement on $0 will work in most cases in /etc/profile. The situation in ENV is more complicated, because there could be an unknown amount of environment setting (e.g., for PS1) before ENV is run. In one case I know of, the login shell is ksh, and it is detected correctly, and then ksh-specific material is placed in PS1. If bash is then run interactively from the ksh login session, it *inherits* PS1. The fix is to put stuff in ~/.bashrc to set up PS1, or to do other things where bash and ksh differ.

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