
SuperLabAutoMator: superlab + automator

We use Superlab 4 for some experiments we do in the lab, but it almost always seems that we need fancier randomization/counterbalancing than the program provides out of the box. Also, the dialog that the RAs must go through, to deal with subject and group IDs, different scenario files for different conditions, and the right name to use for the logfile, have resulted in errors and lost data in our lab. The traditional solution for this is scripting, and in the Macintosh world, many user-oriented scripts make use of the Automator utility. I'm currently setting up an experiment that requires a specific randomization and counterbalancing across three different procedures for 24 subjects. What I intend to do is to make a shell script embedded in an automator script called "SuperLabAutoMator" (or "slam" for short) that will do this in a generalized way. What superlabautomator does is to pop up a window asking to select from an experiment (all must be a subfolder in a standard folder, or if not there, in the same folder as the script). It then follows the instructions in the experiment subfolder, by running "prescript", "midscript",  and "postscript", which are functions defined in the script.

In the experiment subfolder, there is optionally a file called "rc.slam" that can define the following objects:
  • name=xxx -- the subject ID to use (default = null)
  • group=xxx -- the subject's group (default = null)
  • scenario=ppp -- default is "scenario.sl4" in the experiment subfolder
  • logfile=ppp -- default is "logfile.txt" in the experiment subfolder
  • fifofile=ppp -- use as Superlab's logfile; filtered data should be written to $logfile by midscript
  • prescript() -- set up to run
  • midscript() -- interact with Superlab while running
  • postscript() -- run after midscript and Superlab have finished
All of these have default values. The rc.slam file will be sourced early, before asking for the subject ID, for example. This list could expand or shrink.

Midscript is to be run while Superlab is running, and it can either fiddle with the logfile, or prescript could create a named pipe to be used by Superlab as the logfile and open it for reading by midscript. The purpose of midscript is to handle cases where the actual stimuli to be presented must be changed as a function of performance. In most cases, it will not be needed. Note that if the midscript is reading the logfile from a named pipe, it should also save the raw contents. One way to do this might be to use the tee(1) command; alternatively, midscript can simply save each line it reads. One unresolved problem is that Superlab brings up a user confirmation window if the logfile already exists, as it must for a named pipe. It would be nice to override that somehow.

The core of Superlabautomator will run Superlab from the executable file rather from the GUI, so that command-line options can be specified. After changing into the experiment subfolder, it will source "rc.slam".  Next, it will call prescript, and wait for it to finish. It will then set Superlab to run in the background, bring Superlab into the GUI foreground, and call midscript. After midscript completes and Superlab exits, SuperLabAutoMator will call postscript before exiting.

In general, it is a good idea for Superlab at a minumum to wait either for several seconds before the first trial, or more typically, to display an instructions screen and wait for a response.

From the RA's point of view, all that will be required is to start SuperLabAutoMator, choose the correct experiment (only active ones should be available, and if only one is available, only a confirmation window comes up); choose the subject group from a short list (if more than one); choose the subject (only untested subject numbers will be available). The script will take care of setting things up for Superlab, running it, and dealing with the data, including filtering it, giving some feedback to the subject, and possibly storing it away in a centralized database.

When I get this running with the first experiment (no runtime interaction will be used, btw), I will post the SuperLabAutoMator app and the setup of the first experiment.

Note: while slam is a great name, it is already in use with a couple of different programs/utilities, so we will go with the GUI name SuperLabAutoMator and use slam as an internal shortcut (as in the rc.slam filename), and we can also pronounce the name optionally as slam.

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