
Converting text to graphic files for Superlab

Since graphics files usually exist outside of the immediate Superlab scenario folder, and are not loaded until the experiment runs (and if the appropriate option is selected, not until just before a trial runs), it is possible to use an external script to re-randomize graphics files before running a particular subject.

The way it works is, you set up Superlab to use generic names for files, for example, "trial001.png", "trial002.png", and so on. You have your real stimuli in a different folder, with names like "elephant.png" and "COW.png". Then, when you are setting up for a particular experiment, you get rid of the dummy files and put in links in to the real stimuli, in the appropriate order, for example, trial001.png --> elephant.png ; trial002.png --> COW.png. Obviously, you have to keep the mapping around so that the logfile can be patched up after the run, by replacing instances of "trial001.png" with "elephant.png" and so on.

Obviously, you can't do this with text stimuli because text stimuli are internal to Superlab. I have written a utility to patch an existing scenario file to contain a different order of stimuli, but this method is very risky and isn't flexible enough. So the correct solution is to convert the text stimuli you want to use into graphics files.

There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest to use from a scripting standpoint is called "a2png". This is a utility that can be downloaded from sourceforge. It needs either the cairo or the gdlib graphics libraries; one or the other also has to be installed for a2png to build. Once it has been installed, you can use .ttf font files to create .png files from text strings. By default, the image is cropped to the font's cell size, and has a black background. There are a number of options to change the background, foreground, size, font, spacing, and so on. The .png files can be used directly by Superlab on both Windows and Mac systems, or they can be converted to jpeg or some other supported graphics format.

By default, if you give a2png the name of a .txt file containing a stimulus, it will create a .png file in the same folder with the same basename. So for example, "a2png ... elephant.txt" should result in an output file "elephant.png". If you don't want all those *.txt files, a2png will also accept standard input if the file is "-", and will write to X in "--output=X". So, an alternative way to create elephant.png is "print elephant | a2png ... --output=elephant.png -".

How to specify the right font

Now, at least on my system, a2png doesn't want to find the ttf fonts. The built-in font folder list is a poor match for the fonts I have installed on my system. So, what I do is to give the whole path to the .ttf file I want to use. You can find all the appropriate fonts on your system with "locate .ttf | grep ttf$". Also, there are thousands of truetype fonts (ttf) out there on the internet. It's probably better to give the whole path anyway. I like a sans-serif font for displaying stimuli, such as free-sans, which can be readily downloaded.

You can also mix text and pictures, and randomly switch, for example, which kind is on the left or the right of the display, just by setting the link appropriately before running.


There appears to be some kind of glitch in a2png such that the cropping that it does removes the bottom of each character on the last (i.e., only) line. There is a workaround of suffixing a '\n', but this adds too much space.

There is a completely different approach available with the classic netpbm package. This command line:

print JjKg_Xq \
| pbmtext -font ~/Downloads/bdffont/100dpi/helvR24.bdf \
| pnmcrop | ppmchange white black black white \
| pnmtopng > foo.png

isn't too bad. An alternative is:

pbmtextps -font=Helvetica JJKG_XQ \
| pnmcrop | ppmchange white black black white \
| pnmtopng > foo.png

So, one way or another, there will be a way to do this. Frankly, a2png produces prettier output. The pbmtextps output is quite fuzzy, while the pbmtext output depends on having the bdf fonts available, and in turn, they have limitations on size. Since a2png uses the Cairo graphics library, it can use ttf fonts and scale them, etc., very prettily. Hopefully I will find a fix for a2png.


It is true that a2png produces more attractive lettering, but as it turns out, there is a very real application for the netpbm package here: setting up the experiment template. The scheme I am trying to use involves setting up a single experiment with all of the trials indexing external event files, usually images or images of text. By changing the names of these external files, you can change the stimuli presented to subjects with none of the limitations imposed by superlab. So, what I've been doing is to generate dummy stimuli to be used while testing. These are graphics containing text strings that make it easy to identify the order and type of the stimuli for debugging purposes.

In one of the experiments I'm setting up now, there are 30 640x480 pictures. Here is the shell function I'm using to create jpeg dummy files for them:

ppmmake lightblue 640 480 \
    | ppmlabel -x $((320-(5*${#1}))) -y 240 -size 10 -background lightblue -color black -text "$1" \
    | pnmtojpeg > $2 2>/dev/null

I chose black over lightblue so they would be very contrastive with the white over black text stimuli.


Well, there is a fairly easy way to get images cropped correctly with a2png that will work until the program is fixed somehow: use the --no-crop option in a2png, and crop the result using netpbm. For example:

print Somejunque \
| a2png --no-crop -s --overwrite --font-size-0.1 --output=uncropped.png \
; pngtopnm < uncropped.png
| pnmcrop \
| pnmtopng > cropped.png

This yields the best of both worlds: flexible, high-quality text rendering plus correct cropping of the result.

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